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Results for "author_first: "Jay", author_last: "McDaniel""
Panentheism and Peace God … is not far from each of us. In God we live and move and have our being. — Acts 17:27-28 There are many different ways to think about God: as a force, a feeling, and a cosmic p…
Moments of Democracy I’m not sure about the future of democracy, but I do believe in moments of democracy. A moment of democracy may last only for five seconds, but its memory lingers in our imaginations for many w…
Nurses in the Making “I put the flowers that Linda's family sent at the nurse's station. Before Linda died, I had come to talk with her, her husband, and their two adult sons. I did that every Saturday for three mo…
Jazz and the Spirit of Democracy We believe that democracy as a way of life can be strengthened and deepened through spiritual practices — both those traditionally considered to be "inner work" and those that require active en…
Loving Friends with Alzheimer’s As a process theologian I believe in the primacy of moments. Yes, we live our lives year to year, week to week, day to day. But most deeply, I believe, we live from moment to moment. I learned th…
I Dwell in Possibility: Joining the Circus as a Spiritual Practice I'm the kid who ran away with the circus. Now I’m watering elephants. But I sometimes lie awake in the sawdust, dreaming I’m in a suit of light. Late at night in the empty big top I’m all a…
Hurray for the Average Child * Let's hear it for the "average" child who receives no special award on honors day: the one who stares out the window in geometry class and dreams of faraway places, having mastered the art of reveri…
Cats as Spiritual Teachers Charles Takes Care of Himself "But one day I really watched him. He was chewing on a piece of grass. He gave his full attention to that single blade. His body was still, his fur soft in the sun. …
"J" is for Justice What is Justice Like? ​ Bread. A clean sky. Active peace. A woman's voice singing somewhere. The army disbanded. The harvest abundant. The wound healed. The child wanted. The prisoner freed…
With Roots and Wings A bold synergistic vision of the faith.